Thank you for making me feel like anything is possible, Barack Obama. I’ll never forget how inspired I felt the night you were elected. The feeling that I could do anything. If someone who looked like me– who had the audacity to be optimistic and inclusive– could hold the highest office in this country, maybe I could pursue my dreams, too. The same month Obama was inaugurated, I risked everything to move to the city of angels to pursue my dreams. Best decision I ever made (although not totally due in part to him, obviously).
I believe he did the best he could with what he was given– the worst economic crisis our country has faced since The Great Depression , a war “on terror” and an onslaught of racially-charged criticism that he addressed with grace and integrity. I believe later we will look back and recognize him for taking us forward in healthcare reform, human rights reform, and for helping the U.S. to recover from an economic nightmare. Not to mention his humor, charisma, compassion and style– a true role model as a father and husband and world leader.
You don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone. Thank you so much, Barack Obama. I can’t even articulate the positive impact you’ve had on me the last 8 years. I took it for granted. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙏🏼✌🏼️🇺🇸
Written November 4, 2008.
“Today is an absolutely monumental day in American history. Barack Obama was elected into the role of President of the United States. It seems weird to be writing about politics, but I feel so inspired.
I am in completed disbelief that he is our leader. He represents so much that I stand for. He’s positive and forward-thinking and new-age-y. I feel like perhaps our culture is on the verge of a spiritual revolution. We are stepping away from our cynical and defeatist attitudes and values and have begun to have the courage and HOPE to believe in amazing things. I look at this man– a minority– and I believe that he truly understands me and my perspective as a minority. It’s unbelievable that he has accomplished such an incredible feat.
If he can do this, I feel like I can do anything.
I feel like I respect what he has to say. His message is so, so inspiring.
Yes, we can.
I’m surprised at how moved I am… I guess I just had to write it down.”
So, so different from what I feel today. But, let’s see how this goes.

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Mani O'Brien
Storyteller and Virgo
LA-based social media marketer and brand journalist Mani O’Brien spends her downtime raising a small human and ranting on this blog. Here you’ll find frequent cursing, a self-indulgent analysis of her 30-something existence as a wife, mother, Millennial, digital marketer and astrology-obsessed feminist.