by Mani | Jan 6, 2014 | Lady Crush, Politics

Famous quotes by stellar women on Refinery29: Olivia Wilde.
Refinery29’s “50 Amazing Women, 50 Hilarious Quotes” includes zingers by some of our favorite leading ladies of Hollywood including Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Lena Dunham, Rashida Jones, and Olivia Wilde on topics that do not include anything relating to clothing, gossip or beauty regimes.

Jennifer Lawrence
Sweaters for Days’s Jenny Trout compares the way in which the media spins Jennifer Lawrence’s public passion for food compared with Melissa McCarthy’s.

How to talk to little girls
The next time you encounter a little human, take not of the way you speak with them– especially girls. If you’re anything like me, and despite of your feminist values and however much you make a conscious effort, you find yourself showering the little lady with compliments about her appearance. Girls in Real Life republished a great essay by Lisa Bloom about how to talk to little girls in a way that helps shape their intellect. [Image]

Neil Gaiman comments on “strong female characters” with BBC.
Writer Neil Gaiman shares uncanny insight into how to develop “strong female characters” with BBC News during a special commemorating the 10 year anniversary of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” in which he suggests that writers actually go spend time with cool women.
Gaiman: I think the big thing to point out to people is, you know, possibly they should go and hang around with some women. And also, it’s worth pointing out that people, unfortunately, misunderstand the phrase ‘strong women.’ The glory of Buffy is it was filled with strong women. Only one of those strong women had supernatural strength and an awful lot of sharpened stakes. And people sort of go ‘Well yes, of course Buffy was a strong woman. She could kick her way through a door.’ And you go ‘No, well that’s not actually what makes her a strong woman! You’re missing the point.’
Read details on Jezebel.

Texas husband forbidden from taking his pregnant wife off of life support.
Some controversial news has transpired in Texas where a man has been forced to keep his pregnant wife on life support despite his or her wishes. Read more on CNN.
by Mani | Mar 12, 2013 | Poems Unrequited, Uncategorized

Fare thee well now
One midnight horn calls
So I shall travel after
Following the smoke on the tracks
Down dark’s ribcage
Into the starglow
Remember me when the mist burns
When heat of day afloat goes
Trembling over the wild hay
I too passed along this way
Embraced and embracing
I roamed in the wind’s kiss
In day’s dews bathed
I was young when grief came
Too when love I claimed
My share of the fruit partook
Returned to me was all of this
I gave away, not craved
To bed of wheat
To silk of dream my weave
I got to the moonwash spilled
Plucking tears so to be filled
My hands of nectars soothed and stilled
Goodbye, goodbye
I will know you by your eyes
My luring breeze now flies
So to sleep bow I my sighs
Written November 15, 1995
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About Desmond and Poems Unrequited.
Copyright © 2013 Mani O'Brien. All rights reserved.
by Mani | Feb 14, 2013 | Poems Unrequited, Uncategorized

Warbling birds
In the trees near the Mosque
Under a grey dawn sky
Beholding rise of day
For a gentle phrase to say
I look into the songs of the birds
But there, there are no words
Untinged by the sorrow that is mine,
Dark, even as the world
Will soon be shine
Written on February 28, 1996
About Desmond and Poems Unrequited.
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Copyright © 2013 Mani O'Brien. All rights reserved.
by Mani | Feb 14, 2013 | Poems Unrequited, Uncategorized

A grey day and Joni Mitchell morning
Ladies of the Canyon
And you always come to mind
With your tresses in the wind
And your hash pipes puffing
How long ago it all seems
But like yesterday too,
Me and you
Down by the creekbed
Under the full moon
Before you left for Boulder
And I went on to other gardens
I’d like to bring it all back
Fool that I am
Rearrange karma and the sunlight
Wipe up the tears and rewind the years
And it would only be you and I
Heads together, on our backs in Autumn
Our long hair tangled together
Stoned, dreamily staring at the sky
Written January 22, 1996
For Sue
About Desmond and Poems Unrequited.
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Copyright © 2013 Mani O'Brien. All rights reserved.
by Mani | Feb 8, 2013 | Poems Unrequited, Uncategorized

The Valentine silent and unseen
The one long-lived with me
I take it now out of its gilded box
Built by time with tears for locks
Handmade with skill and polished by heart
Seamless and sturdy my craftsman’s art
Fashioned by love to hold a spark
Of the blaze of her I keep apart
Treasure that is mine alone
Carried deep where I have roamed
A gift she gave long ago
Her love in my blood aglow
Kept in my simple chest of bark
Her light to light my life made dark
Written February 14, 1997
A beautiful piece by my Dad. Not sure who the subject of this poem was. I can usually recognize the tones he used when he was writing about my Mom, either honeyed or hostile. Sometimes he would say that the voices of his writing moved through him, translating the story of another. I just love images this poem conjures up – a treasured love buried deep in a gilded box. So touching.
Image: Aleksandra Zaborowska
About Desmond and Poems Unrequited.
Copyright © 2013 Mani O'Brien. All rights reserved.